About us

eOrganic is the Organic Agriculture Community of Practice (CoP) for the Extension Foundation (formerly eXtension). Our community was started in 2007 by a group of researchers, Extension agents and farmers and was initially funded by a CSREES OREI grant in 2009. We are dedicated to the publication of reliable information about certified organic farming in a variety of media formats here on our public website at http://eOrganic.org. In addition, eOrganic's virtual community and online collaborative workspace at http://eorganic.info, supports university researchers, extension educators, farmers, certifiers, and agricultural professionals from across the U.S. as they network, communicate, collaborate, learn, and work together on organic agriculture projects.

eOrganic Goals

  1. To engage farmers, agricultural professionals and other members of the organic agriculture community with timely and relevant science-, experience-, and regulation-based information in a variety of media and educational formats
  2. To foster a national organic research and outreach community

eOrganic is the eXtension Resource Area for Organic Agriculture

You can find eOrganic’s resources for farmers, ranchers, agricultural professionals, certifiers, researchers and educators seeking reliable, publicly available information on organic agriculture at http://eorganic.org/.

eOrganic’s initial content focused on general organic agriculture, dairy production, and vegetable production, but eOrganic members are now developing content on other farming systems and topics. All content is collaboratively authored and peer-reviewed by eOrganic’s community of University researchers and Extension personnel, other agricultural professionals, farmers, and certifiers with experience and expertise in organic agriculture.

Resource Formats

  • Articles: eOrganic’s articles cover everything from the nuts and bolts of organic production for beginners to the latest information and technology for advanced producers http://eorganic.org/.
  • Videos: Because a moving picture is worth a thousand words, short video segments highlighting organic practices are featured at eOrganic. Producers and researchers demonstrate innovative cover cropping, reduced tillage, cultivation, soil management, pest management and marketing strategies. You can find eOrganic’s videos on our website (http://eorganic.org/node/3549) and at eOrganic’s Youtube site (https://www.youtube.com/eOrganic)
  • Webinars: Our webinar series allows farmers, agricultural professionals and others to participate in live presentations by researchers, educators and farmers. To ask a question, participants type a question in the chat box. Find our archived webinars and upcoming webinar information at http://eorganic.org/node/4942
  • Ask-an-Expert: People need answers to questions that aren’t currently answered in eOrganic’s content. To get an answer, eOrganic supports eXtension’s Ask-an-Expert. Users submit questions at eXtension.org and a community member or members with appropriate expertise reply to the request via email. Find Ask-an-Expert by clicking on the Question boxes in the upper right hand corner or at the bottom of any of eOrganic’s article pages.
  • eOrganic members created short courses on organic dairy and seed production which are available on the eXtension Campus at https://campus.extension.org/course/index.php?categoryid=105

eOrganic (at eOrganic.info) is a developing virtual organic agriculture research/outreach community

You can participate in a national organic agriculture research/outreach community at eOrganic.info, eOrganic’s virtual workspace and community hub. eOrganic community members convene at eOrganic.info to network, discuss, learn together, collaborate, manage research/outreach projects, and publish peer-reviewed articles, FAQs, videos, and other content. 

A central feature in eOrganic is the ability to join or create groups. Each group receives tools for project development including a group workspace where members can collaboratively edit documents and share files and photos. Groups also get a forum for discussion, a tool to make announcements, and a shared calendar. Groups can be subject-based for creating eXtension materials, or project-based for research groups.  Project-based groups can use eOrganic for communication, collaborative document writing (proposals, reports, etc.), and publishing.



eXtension More Mind Reach

Oregon State University