December 16, 2021 Free Workshop: Managing Organic Milk Quality on the Farm

About the Workshop

Cornell University is offering a free hybrid course, which will introduce attendees to the key raw milk parameters that influence organic dairy product quality & shelf-life and how to control these parameters at the farm. In the 2-hour self-paced module of this course, attendees will learn about the four raw milk parameters that impact processed product quality: somatic cells, total bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, and flavor and odor profiles of raw milk. Attendees will then learn, in-depth, how to control these parameters through best practices for farm management from our instructors during our live virtual workshop on December 16 from 10AM-3PM Eastern Time.

Register now at

The first 50 registrants will receive a kit with interactive materials to enhance the learning outcomes of the self-paced module.

Download a flyer about the course here, and please feel free to share it with anyone or groups that you think might be interested!

Speakers and Topics

  • Dr. Paula Ospina, Extension Veterinarian and Dairy Educator, Lechear. Topic: Teat and Udder Management
  • Dr. Ernest Hovingh, Extension Veterinarian, Penn State University. Topic: Mastitis Management on Organic Farms
  • Dr. Blake Nguyen, Animal Science Lecturer, Cornell University. Topic: Environment and Housing
  • Dr. Valeria Alanis, PhD Animal Science, Cornell University. Topic: Bedding Management
  • Dr. Paul Virkler, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University. Topic: Milk System Management

Funding for the workshop is provided by a grant from USDA NIFA OREI as part of the project: A Systems Approach To Improve Quality and Shelf Life of Organic Dairy Products for Domestic and Export Markets