December 16, 2021 Free Workshop: Managing Organic Milk Quality on the Farm
About the Workshop
Cornell University is offering a free hybrid course, which will introduce attendees to the key raw milk parameters that influence organic dairy product quality & shelf-life and how to control these parameters at the farm. In the 2-hour self-paced module of this course, attendees will learn about the four raw milk parameters that impact processed product quality: somatic cells, total bacteria, spore-forming bacteria, and flavor and odor profiles of raw milk. Attendees will then learn, in-depth, how to control these parameters through best practices for farm management from our instructors during our live virtual workshop on December 16 from 10AM-3PM Eastern Time.
Register now at
The first 50 registrants will receive a kit with interactive materials to enhance the learning outcomes of the self-paced module.
Download a flyer about the course here, and please feel free to share it with anyone or groups that you think might be interested!
Speakers and Topics
- Dr. Paula Ospina, Extension Veterinarian and Dairy Educator, Lechear. Topic: Teat and Udder Management
- Dr. Ernest Hovingh, Extension Veterinarian, Penn State University. Topic: Mastitis Management on Organic Farms
- Dr. Blake Nguyen, Animal Science Lecturer, Cornell University. Topic: Environment and Housing
- Dr. Valeria Alanis, PhD Animal Science, Cornell University. Topic: Bedding Management
- Dr. Paul Virkler, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University. Topic: Milk System Management
Funding for the workshop is provided by a grant from USDA NIFA OREI as part of the project: A Systems Approach To Improve Quality and Shelf Life of Organic Dairy Products for Domestic and Export Markets.
This project was funded by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Award Number 2019-51300-30242.