Project Publications
- Beavers, Alyssa W.; Goggi, A. Susana; Reddy, Manju B.; Lauter, Adrienne Moran; Scott, M. Paul. 2015. Recurrent Selection to Alter Grain Phytic Acid Concentration and Iron Bioavailability. Crop Science. The Crop Science Society of America, Inc. Madison, WI. Available at:
- Bodnar A.L., Schroder M.N., Scott M.P. (2016) Recurrent Selection for Transgene Activity Levels in Maize Results in Proxy Selection for a Native Gene with the Same Promoter. PLoS One 11:e0148587. Available at
- Emmett, B.D., D.H. Buckley, M.E. Smith, and L.E. Drinkwater. 2018. Eighty years of maize breeding alters plant nitrogen acquisition but not rhizosphere bacterial community composition. Plant Soil.
- Gage, J., D. Jarquin, M. Romay, A. Lorenz, E. Buckler, S. Kaeppler, N. Alkhalifah, M. Bohn, D. Campbell, J. Edwards, D. Ertl, S. Flint-Garcia, J. Gardiner, B. Good, C. Hirsch, J. Holland, D. Hooker, J. Knoll, J. Kolkman, G. Kruger, N. Lauter, C. Lawrence-Dill, E. Lee, J. Lynch, S. Murray, R. Nelson, J. Petzoldt, T. Rocheford, J. Schnable, P. Schnable, B. Scully, M. Smith, N. Springer, S. Srinivasan, R. Walton, T. Wekdekidan, R. Wisser, W. Zu, J. Yu, and N. de Leon. 2017. The effect of artificial selection on phenotypic plasticity in maize. Nature Communications 8:1348.
- Harakotr B., Suriharn B., Scott M., Lertrat K. (2015) Genotypic variability in anthocyanins, total phenolics, and antioxidant activity among diverse waxy corn germplasm. Euphytica 203:237-248. Available at
- Huffman R.D., Edwards J.W., Pollak L.M., Scott M.P. (2016) Interaction of Genetic Mechanisms Regulating Methionine Concentration in Maize Grain. Crop Science. Available at (featured in CSA news magazine and Research Highlights website).
- Huffman, R., C.A. Abel, L.M. Pollak, W. Goldstein, R.C. Pratt, M. Smith, K. Montgomery, S. Carlson, l. Grant, J. Edwards, P. Scott. 2018. Combining ability and environmental investigation of maize testcrosses in diverse organic production systems. Crop Sci. 58:1-11 (doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.06.0364)
- Infante, P., K. Moore, C. Hurburgh, P. Scott, S. Archontoulis, A. Lenssen and S.-z. Fei. 2018. Biomass Production and Composition of Temperate and Tropical Maize in Central Iowa. Agronomy, Vol. 8, Page 88.
- Infante, P.A., K.J. Moore, A.W. Lenssen, S.V. Archontoulis, P. Scott and S.-z. Fei. 2018. Phenology and Biomass Production of Adapted and Non-Adapted Tropical Corn Populations in Central Iowa. Agronomy Journal 110: 171-182.
- Jaradat, A., and W. Goldstein. 2018. Diversity of Maize Kernels from a Breeding Program for Protein Quality: III. Ionome Profiling. Agronomy. 2018. 8,9. doi:10.3390/ Agronomy 8020009.
- Lappe, R.R., J.W. Baier, S.K. Boehlein, R. Huffman, Q. Lin, F. Wattebled, Settles, A. Mark, Hannah, L. Curtis, Borisjuk, Ljudmilla, Rolletschek, Hardy, Stewart, Jon D., Scott, M. Paul, Hennen-Bierwagen, Tracie A., Myers, Alan M. 2018. Functions of maize genes encoding pyruvate phosphate dikinase in developing endosperm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115: E24-E33.
- Li L., Zheng W., Zhu Y., Ye H., Tang B., Arendsee Z.W., Jones D., Li R., Ortiz D., Zhao X., C., Nettleton D., Scott M.P., Salas-Fernandez M.G., Yin Y., Wurtele E.S. (2015) QQS orphan gene regulates carbon and nitrogen partitioning across species via NF-YC interactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112:14734–14739. (selected as paper of the month by TAIR and recommended by Faculty of 1000 )
- Montgomery, R.W., R.C. Pratt, M.K. Darapuneni, A. Cunningham, L.M. Lauriault, P.L. Cooksey, J. Box, J. Jennings, S. Jennings, and A. Williams. 2018. Improving Drought and Salinity Tolerance in Maize (Zea mays L.) by Introgression of Southwestern Developed Open Pollinated Landraces. Tucumcari Agricultural Science Center, 2017 Annual Report (Lauriault, L. ed.) p. 52-53.
- Nankar A., Grant L., Scott M.P., Pratt R. (2016) Agronomic and Kernel Compositional Traits of Blue Maize Landraces from the Southwestern United States. Crop Science.Available at
- Nankar, A.N., B. Dungan, N. Paz, N. Sudasinghe, T. Schaub, F.O. Holguin and R.C. Pratt. 2016. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of kernel anthocyanins from southwestern United States Blue Corn. J. Sci. Food Agric. 96:4542-4552. Available at
- Pratt, R. C., J. B. Holland, P. J. Balint-Kurti, N. D. Coles, J. Zwonitzer, M. A. Casey, and M. D. McMullen. 2015. Registration of the Ki14 × B73 recombinant inbred mapping population of maize. Jour. Plant Registrations 9:262-265. Available at
- Tapia, X. 2018. Panorama. Research Edition. Blue Corn Craze: Researchers work to spread traditional New Mexican crop. Volume 70 p. 18-19.
This project was funded in 2014 by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Grant number 2014-51300-22250