February 7: CANOVI Carrot Breeding Webinar
On February 7th, the Canadian Organic Vegetable Improvment Project (CANOVI) is offering a webinar about their carrot trials and breeding farm club by Micaela Colley of the Organic Seed Alliance, Phil Simon of the USDA ARS and CANOVI Project Leads Weijia Wang and Chris Thoreau. CANOVI is led by The Bauta Family Iniatiive on Canadian Seed Security in partnership with the University of British Columbia. Learn more and register here.
This project was funded by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Award # 2011-51300-30903; Award # 2016-51300-25721: CIOA 2- Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture With Added Grower and Consumer Valuel Award # 2021-51300-34900: Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture: Leveraging On-Farm and Below Ground Networks.