Resources for Organic Carrot Breeding and Seed Production
Webinar Recordings
Webinar Recording: CANOVI-CIOA Carrot Trials Farm Club. February 7, 2024
Webinar Recording: Breeding Carrots for Production, Resilience, Flavor and Fun in Organic Systems. March 25, 2022. Laurie McKenzie, Micaela Colley, Organic Seed Alliance; Solveig Hanson, University of British Columbia, Phil Simon, USDA ARS. For more information and additional resources see
Webinar Recording: Seed Production in Cages: Challenging, Fun, and Rewarding This webinar illuminates challenges and successes of caged seed production highlighting several crops, and options for cage construction and pollinator management covering a range from small cages for breeding work to larger scale production. This was recorded at the 9th Organic Seed Growers Conference held in February of 2018 in Corvallis, Oregon.
Webinar Recording: Location and Genetic Influence on Carrot Field Performance and Flavor An overview of the CIOA project and update on research presented by Dr. Philipp Simon at the Organic Agricultur Research Symposium 2015 held in February of 2015 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
Webinar Recording: Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture. 2015. CIOA collaborators present project results from the first three years of CIOA, advancements in breeding for nematode resistance, and insights into the genetic component of plant response to beneficial microbiota and implications for organic farming systems.
Webinar Recording: CIOA Research Update CIOA collaborator, Dr. Phil Simon of University of Wisconsin-Madison and ARS, presents a research update from the CIOA project at the 7th Organic Seed Growers Conference on January 31, 2014, in Corvallis, Oregon.
Webinar Recording: Breeding Carrots as part of the Northern Organic Vegetable Improvement Collaborative (NOVIC) COIA Collaborator, Dr. John Navazio of Organic Seed Alliance and Washington State University, presents on carrot breeding principles specifically within the NOVIC project. This is a recording of a live webinar broadcast by Organic Seed Alliance and eOrganic from the 6th Organic Seed Growers Conference on January 19 - 21, 2012 in Port Townsend, Washington.
Webinar Recording: Breeding for Positive Microbial Interactions CIOA collaborator, Dr. Lori Hoagland of Purdue University, presents with Jude Maul of the USDA, and Walter Goldstein of the Mandaamin Institute on breeding for positive microbial internactions. This recording does not specifically cover organic carrots, but similar principles will be applicable to the COIA project. This is a recording of a live webinar broadcast by Organic Seed Alliance and eOrganic from the 6th Organic Seed Growers Conference on January 19 - 21, 2012 in Port Townsend, Washington.
Webinar Recording: Breeding for Nutrition 2012. CIOA collaborators Dr. Philipp Simon of University of Wisconsin-Madison and USDA-ARS along with Dr. Jim Meyers of Oregon State Univesity and Walter Goldstein of the Mandaamin Institute on breeding programs working with classical breeding methods (non GMO) to breeding nutritionally superior crops.
Online Tutorial: Carrot Seed Production
Online Tutorial: Carrot Seed Production This is one of five basic organic seed production on-line tutorials available through eXtension. This course was created by Organic Seed Alliance, through a grant from Western SARE. It is based on materials from organic seed intensive workshops held as part of the 2011 Organicology conference. Includes a video of CIOA collaborator, Dr. John Navazio on the how-to's of Carrot Seed Production at the 2011 Organicology Conference in Portland, Oregon.
USDA-ARS Guides to Carrot Pigments
Pigment Power in Carrot Color - How Pigments Promote Good Health A guide by CIOA collaborator, Dr. Philipp Simon of University of Wisconsin-Madison and USDA-ARS's, on the health benefits of carrot pigments.
Plant Pigments for Color and Nutrition An article by CIOA collaborator, Dr. Philipp Simon of University of Wisconsin-Madison and USDA-ARS, on the human health benefit of pigments found in carrots and other plants.
Organic Seed Alliance Publications on Carrot Breeding and Seed Production
Publication: Principles and Practices of Organic Carrot Seed Production in the Pacific Northwest Organic Seed Alliance's 17 page manual on organic carrot seed production. This, like all other Organic Seed Alliance publications, is available for free download from their website (follow link provided). It's a great manual to print off and take into the greenhouse or field.
Publication: How to Breed Carrots for Organic Agriculture This manual from Organic Seed Alliance teaches farmers how to breed carrots for organic production systems, including step-by-step instruction for developing breeding goals, identifying breeding material, performing breeding methods, and maintaining a new variety for quality and uniformity.
Trial Results
Trial Results: Carrot Trial Results from Dr. Phil Simon Breeding Projects (1998 - 2022)
Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings, Theses
- Abdelrazek, S., Simon, P., Colley, M., Mengiste, T., Sulba, Jyothi *Hoagland, L., 2020. Changes in the core endophytic mycobiome of carrot taproots in response to crop management and genotype Scientific Reports
- Abdelrazek, S., Simon, P., Colley, M., Mengiste, T., *Hoagland, L., 2020. Crop management system and carrot genotype affect endophyte composition and Alternaria dauci suppression. PLOSOne.
- Anderson, H. 2023. Root exudation and rhizosphere microbial recruitment are influenced by novel cultivar development in organic carrot production. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Anderson, H.M. G.A Cagle., EL-W. Majumder, E. Silva, J. Dawson, P. Simon, Z.B. Freedman. 2024. Root exudation and rhizosphere microbial assembly are influenced by novel plant trait diversity in carrot genotypes, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Volume
197, 2024 - Arbizu, C.I., P.Tas, P.W. Simon, D.M. Spooner. 2017. Phylogenetic prediction of carrot leaf blight resistance in wild and cultivated species of carrots. Crop Sci. 57:2645-2653.
Colley M. 2021. Organic carrot production. In: Geoffriau E, Simon PW, eds.Carrots and related Apiaceae crops. Wallingford, UK: CABI.
- Colley, M. R. 2022. Critical experiences in participatory approaches to build up organic plant breeding and seed systems. PhD, WU, Wageningen University. Wageningen University.
- Colley, M and McKenzie, L. 2022. Creating connections, igniting inspiration and imagination, and having fun through participatory plant breeding with carrots. 40th International Carrot Conference.
- Komanapelli, Hannah. 2021. Carrot AMF elements. BS Thesis, Purdue University.
- Lalor, Erin. 2021. Variation of mineral element accumulation in a diverse carrot germplasm collection. M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin - Madison. 207p.
- Meija, Leidy. 2020. Carrot genotype and nitrogen stress alter plant soil feedbacks and susceptibly to pathogenic nematodes. B.S. thesis , Purdue University
- Meija, Leidy. 2020. Carrot genotype and nitrogen stress alter plant soil feedbacks and susceptibly to pathogenic nematodes. B.S. thesis , Purdue University.
- Ozel, Kevser. 2021. Identification and Genetic Mapping of New Sources of Nematode Resistance in Carrot (Daucus carota L.) M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin - Madison. 154p
- Parsons, J., W. Matthews, M. Iorizzo, P. Roberts, and P.W. Simon. 2015. QTL for Meloidogyne incognita nematode resistance in carrot. Molec. Breeding 35:114.
- Sidhu, J. and Nunez, J.J. (2024). Non-fumigant nematicides and root-knot nematode management in Californian carrots. Acta Hortic. 1393, 125-130
- DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2024.1393.16 - Silva, Narda. 2020.Characterizing carrot microbiomes and their potential role in soil organic matter decomposition. M.S. Thesis, Purdue University.
- Simon, P.W., Zystro, J, Roberts, P.A., Waters, T., Colquhoun, J., Navazio, J., Colley, M., McCluskey, C., Hoagland, L., duToit, L., Silva, E., Nunez, J. 2017. The CIOA (Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture) Project: Location, cropping system, and genetic background influence carrot performance including top height and flavor. Acta Hort.1153: 1-8. 2017.
- Triviño, N.J., Rodriguez-Sanchez, A., Filley, T. et al. 2023. Carrot genotypes differentially alter soil bacterial communities and decomposition of plant residue in soil. Plant Soil 486, 587–606.
Power Point: Pacific Northwest Carrot Diseases Presentation by Lindsey du Toit of Washington State University for the 2013 Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Conference.
Power Point: Carrot Seed Production CIOA coldaborator, Dr. John Navazio of Organic Seed Alliance and Washington State University's, Power Point presentation from the above video presentation on Carrot Seed Production.
Posters and Flyers
CIOA Flyer – Project overview, goals, and research activities
Partner Projects
This project was funded by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Award # 2011-51300-30903; Award # 2016-51300-25721: CIOA 2- Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture With Added Grower and Consumer Valuel Award # 2021-51300-34900: Carrot Improvement for Organic Agriculture: Leveraging On-Farm and Below Ground Networks.