Listening Sessions, Workshops and Training Events
Listening sessions
At the start of this project, we held listening session meetings with established organic farmers and transitioning farmers in our region. They helped the project by providing us with their opinions and giving insights on the problems they faced while transitioning. We have found that these types of meetings can be a great way for farmers to network and to offer the opportunity for transitioning farmers to meet experienced organic farmers in their areas and add to their support system.
Workshops on transitioning topics
Extension educators and other team members will hold workshops on topics relating to transitioning in different cities. Our first series of daylong workshops was held in December 2015. We covered several topics of interest to transitioning producers including resources during transition, certification, and an introduction to weed management. Our next set of workshops will include new topics and are scheduled for December, 2016. Information and registration is available here. To get the latest updates, please see How You Can Participate below to sign up for our mailing list.
Educational materials for undergraduate students
Our modules and decision case studies are being used in several of the classes at the University of Minnesota. Once completed and evaluated in the classroom, our educational materials can be used faculty at other colleges and universities.
How You Can Participate
If you are interested in learning about our project or participating in our project, please contact Connie Carlson ( to be added to our email list for future events associated with our project such as workshops relating to transitioning to organic.
Our Partners
The Principles for Transitioning project is based at the University of Minnesota and is funded by a grant from the Organic Transitions Program, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Grant number 2013-51106-21005