Research Goals of the Eastern Sustainable Organic Cucurbit Research Project
Organic growers face many challenges limiting their production of cucumbers, melons and squash. If you’ve ever tried to grow these crops in the eastern United States, you’ve probably had to fight with aphids, striped cucumber beetles, or downy mildew. To help address these challenges, a NIFA OREI grant known as ESOCuc, the Eastern Sustainable Organic Cucurbit Project, is underway. ESOCuc is a collaboration of growers, extension agents, and university researchers working together to find solutions for you.
The ESOCuc project has four main objectives:
- To evaluate and provide insight into the most popular cucurbit varieties for growers to access updated information on yield and pest/disease resistance.
- To breed improved varieties, guided by grower input, which will be made available through organic seed distributors.
- To examine and improve current on-farm management strategies to provide you with a solid set of solutions from which to choose.
- To make all of this information and data readily available through online resources, webinars, and field days.
Watch a video introduction to the ESOCuc project:
Our Sponsors
Grant number: 2012-51300-20006