October 13, 2021: Webinar on Control of Canada Thistle and Field Bindweed
Join the CREEP Stop project and eOrganic for a webinar that will focus on the difficult task of managing Canada thistle and field bindweed in organic cropping systems using integrated management strategies. Researchers Pat Carr, Tim Seipel and Jed Eberly from Montana State University will report on how crop rotations, tillage, and biocontrol can be used in organic systems to reduce these perennial weeds. The webinar will take place on October 13, 2021 at 11AM Pacific, 12PM Mountain, 1PM Central and 2PM Eastern Time. It's free and open to the public, and advance registration is required. Funding for the webinar is provided by NIFA OREI as part of the CREEP Stop Project. Register now at https://oregonstate.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zF2BSWd-Q8KBrzVOXFjzfw
This project was funded in 2018 by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Grant number 2018-51300-28432