Additional Resources About Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD)
Extension and Magazine Articles
- Paudel, B.R., Di Gioia, F., Zhu, Q., Zhao, X., Ozores-Hampton, M. Swisher, M.E., Sattanno, K., Hong, J.C., and Rosskopf, E.N. Implementation of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in Florida Tomato Production. University of Florida Extension. Available at
- Muramoto, J., Di Gioia, F., Butler, D.M., Daugovish, O. ,Louws, F.J. ,Rosskopf, E. and Shennan, C. 2021. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation as an Organic Systems-Based Approach. Organic Farmer Magazine.
Part 1: Biological Method Suppresses Soilborne Pathogens and Pests and Improves Crop Health. Available at
Part 2: ASD Implementation Strategies for Different Regions in the U.S. Available at
Webinars, Videos and Podcasts
- A Fresh Start: Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation in High Tunnel Systems. 2019. Francesco Di Gioia, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Vegetable Crop Science at Penn State University discusses anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD) and how it can be used within high tunnel systems to control soilborne bacteria, fungi, plant-parasitic nematodes, and weeds, as well as to enhance soil fertility.
Part 1. Available at
Part 2. Available at - CalCORE Research: Controlling Soilborne Diseases in California's Strawberry Industry with ASD. eOrganic video. Available at
- The Sustainable Flowers Podcast. 2020. Dr. Francesco Di Gioia and Dr. Erin Rosskopf explain the history and science behind soil steaming and anaerobic soil disinfestation:
- Extension and Outreach of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) in the Southeast. University of Florida. Available at
Selected Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- BUTLER, D.M., KOKALIS-BURELLE, N., MURAMOTO, J., SHENNAN, C., MCCOLLUM, T.G., ROSSKOPF, E.N. 2012. Impact of anaerobic soil disinfestation combined with soil solarization on plant–parasitic nematodes and introduced inoculum of soilborne plant pathogens in raised-bed vegetable production. Crop Protection, 39, 33-40.
- DESAEGER, J., WILLIAMS, K. and ROSSKOPF, E. 2022. Organic Management Strategies for Nematode Control in Florida Plasticulture, pp. 293-295. In K.. Chaudhary, M.K. Meghvansi (eds.), Sustainable Management of Nematodes in Agriculture, Vo. 1: Organic Management, Sustainability in Plant and Crop Protection 18,
- DI GIOIA F., HONG J., OZORES-HAMPTON M., ZHAO X., WILSON C.P., THOMAS J., LI Z., PISANI C., GUO H., PAUDEL B.R., ALBANO J., BUTLER D.M., ROSSKOPF E.N. 2020. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation: Nutrient Cycling and Potential Environmental Impact. Acta Horticulturae 1270, 51-62.
- DI GIOIA F., OZORES-HAMPTON M., HONG J., KOKALIS-BURELLE N., ALBANO J., ZHAO X., BLACK Z., GAO Z., WILSON C., THOMAS J., MOORE K., SWISHER M., GUO H., ROSSKOPF E.N. 2016. The effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation on weed and nematode control, fruit yield and quality of Florida fresh-market tomato. HortScience, 51 (6): 703-711.
- DI GIOIA, F., OZORES-HAMPTON, M., ZHAO, X., THOMAS, J., WILSON, P., LI, Z., HONG, J., ALBANO, J., SWISHER, M., ROSSKOPF, E. 2017. Anaerobic soil disinfestation impact on soil nutrients dynamics and nitrous oxide emissions in fresh-market tomato. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 240: 194-205.
- Fernandez-Bayo, J., Achmon, Y., Guerrero, M.D.M. and Di Gioia, F. 2022. Editorial: Upcycling organic waste for the sustainable management of soilborne pests and pathogens in agri-food systems. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:1012789. Available at
- GUO H., DI GIOIA F., ZHAO X., OZORES-HAMPTON M., SWISHER M.E., HONG J., KOKALIS-BURELLE N., DELONG A.N., ROSSKOPF E.N. 2017. Optimizing anaerobic soil disinfestation for fresh market tomato production: Nematode and weed control, yield, and fruit quality. Scientia Horticulturae, 218: 105-116.
- GUO H., ZHAO X., ROSSKOPF E.N., DI GIOIA F., HONG J.C., MCNEAR D.H. 2018. Impacts of anaerobic soil disinfestation and chemical fumigation on soil microbial communities in field tomato production system. Applied Soil Ecology, 126: 165-173.
- HEWAVITHARANA, S.S., KLARER, E., REED, A.J., LEISSO, R., POIRIER, B., HONAAS, L., RUDELL, D.R., MAZZOLA, M. 2019. Temporal dynamics of the soil metabolome and microbiome during simulated anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in microbiology, 10, 2365.
- HONG J., DI GIOIA F., JONES J.B., TURECHEK W., KOKALIS-BURELLE N., JOHNS C.W., FINLEY N., OZORES-HAMPTON M., McCOLLUM G., ROSSKOPF E.N. 2020. Defining Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation through Changes in the Microbiome. Acta Horticulturae 1270, 97-110.
- PAUDEL, B.R., DI GIOIA F., ZHAO, X., OZORES-HAMPTON, M., HONG, J.C., KOKALIS-BURELLE, N., PISANI, C., AND ROSSKOPF, E.N. 2020. Evaluating anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies for open-field tomato production in Florida. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.
- ROSSKOPF E.N., DI GIOIA F., HONG J., OZORES-HAMPTON M., ZHAO X., BLACK Z., GAO Z., WILSON C.P., THOMAS J., JONES J., SATTANNO K., DELONG A., SWISHER M., KOKALIS-BURELLE N., WANG J., LI Z., SHI L., PISANI C., GUO H., ZHU Q., PAUDEL B., JOHNS C.W., FINLEY N., MURAMOTO J., ALBANO J., SHENNAN C. 2020. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation: Areawide Project on Obstacles and Adoption. Acta Horticulturae 1270, 23-36.
- ROSSKOPF E.N., DI GIOIA F., HONG J., PISANI C., KOKALIS-BURELLE N. Organic Amendments for Pathogen and Nematode Control. Annual Review of Phytopathology, 58, 277-311.
ROSSKOPF, E. AND DI GIOIA, F. (2023). New Approaches to Soil Disinfestation for Specialty Crops. In: Elmer, W.H., McGrath, M., McGovern, R.J. (eds) Handbook of Vegetable and Herb Diseases. Handbook of Plant Disease Management. Springer, Cham. Chapter:
referenceworkentry/10.1007/ 978-3-030-35512-8_12-1; Full reference: 030-35512-8_12-1 -
SHI L., WANG J., GAO Z., ZHAO X., DI GIOIA F., GUO H., HONG J., OZORES-HAMPTON M., PISANI C. ROSSKOPF E.N. 2019. Economic Analysis of Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Open-field Fresh-market Tomato Production in Southwest and North Florida. HortTechnology. 29(6) 777-787.
- SHRESTHA, U., OWNLEY, B.H., BRUCE, A., ROSSKOPF, E.N., BUTLER, D.M., 2021. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Efficacy Against Fusarium oxysporum Is Affected by Soil Temperature, Amendment Type, Rate, and C: N Ratio. Phytopathology, 111(8), 1380-1392.
- SHRESTHA, U., SWILLING, K.J., BUTLER, D.M. 2021. Amendment properties affect crop performance, leaf tissue nitrogen, and soil nitrogen availability following soil treatment by anaerobic soil disinfestation. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 299.
- SWILLING, K.J., SHRESTHA, U., OWNLEY, B.H., GWINN, K.D., BUTLER, D.M. 2021. Mechanisms of anaerobic soil disinfestation: Volatile fatty acids reduce viability of Athelia (Sclerotium) rolfsii sclerotia in acidic soil conditions and have limited effects on endemic Trichoderma spp. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 441.
- SWILLING, K.J., SHRESTHA, U., OWNLEY, B.H., GWINN, K.D., BUTLER, D.M. 2021. Volatile fatty acid concentration, soil pH and soil texture during anaerobic soil conditions affect viability of Athelia (Sclerotium) rolfsii sclerotia. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 1-13.
- TESTEN, A.L., MARTÍNEZ, M.B., MADRID, A.J., DEBLAIS, L., TAYLOR, C.G., PAUL, P.A., MILLER, S.A. 2021. On-farm evaluations of anaerobic soil disinfestation and grafting for management of a widespread soilborne disease complex in protected culture tomato production. Phytopathology, 111(6), 954-965.
- TESTEN, A.L., ROTONDO, F., MILLS, M.P., HORVAT, M.M., MILLER, S.A. 2021. Evaluation of agricultural byproducts and cover crops as anaerobic soil disinfestation carbon sources for managing a soilborne disease complex in high tunnel tomatoes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, 145.
- TESTEN, A.L., MILLER, S.A. 2019. Anaerobic soil disinfestation to manage soilborne diseases in muck soil vegetable production systems. Plant disease, 103(7), 1757-1762.
- VECCHIA L., DI GIOIA F., FERRANTE, A. HONG J.C., WHITE C., ROSSKOPF E. 2020. Integrating Cover Crops as a Source of Carbon for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation. Agronomy 10 (10), 1614.
Conference Presentations and Posters
- March 2023 Research Update Poster on the ASD Easy Project for the USDA NIFA OREI PI Meeting
- Di Gioia, F. 2022. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) for Organic High Tunnels. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (pp. 126-127). Richfield, PA: Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association.
- Balaguer, R., Di Gioia, F., Rosskopf, E. 2022. Evaluating Carbon Sources for Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation (ASD) in High Tunnel Production in Pennsylvania. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (pp. 44). Richfield, PA: Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association.
- Erin Rosskopf, Jason Hong, Francesco Di Gioia, Raymond Balaguer Barbosa, Xin Zhao, Isaac Vincent, Nan Xu, Natalia Peres, Johan Desaeger, David Moreira Calix, Juliana Baggio Silveira, Joji Muramoto, Kaydene Williams, Ole Becker, Antoon Ploeg, Philipp Simon, and Carol Shennan. 2022. Progress and Pitfalls in the Development of Non-chemical Soilborne Pest Control. Proceedings of the 2022 Methyl Bromide Alternative Outreach Conference.
This project was funded by the Organic Research and Extension Initiative grant, part of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Award Number 2021-51300-34914